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徐筱欣小姐是我們今天的性導遊。我們乘巴士在台灣旅行,這次旅行很特別,因為我們的導遊是徐筱欣小姐。她是一位性感火辣的台灣模特,有著巨... Read More的雙奶和飢餓的嘴巴,隨時準備吮吸大屌。我們的車上坐滿了男人和女人,他們都想看看台灣,還想打炮,看著其他人也被口或者被操。當公交車開始行駛時,徐小姐開始了她的旅程。一位熱心的紳士非常興奮地開始了,他舉起了手,讓大家知道他已經勃起了,想知道她能不能過來跪在他面前口一下!這是一場完美的旅行,在旅行的剛開始就發生了這樣刺激的事情。口完後,她站起身來,開始引導所有乘客前往巴士左右兩側,介紹他們可能喜歡的一些精彩景點。她剛開始做這件事,就感覺有一隻手從裙子上伸進她的陰部。這讓她騷動難忍,她不得不跪下來,好讓幾個乘客都能伸進她的製服,摩擦她的乳頭和屁股。這是一個多麼好的台灣旅遊體驗,大屌們都盡情釋放!
- 26:00
- May 16th, 2022
- 26
5c 評論 for “性感導遊小夜夜小姐帶來的性格巴士之旅”
More of these bus public scenes would be awesome
Where are the download options?
Please fix the 4K UHD downloads. They all save as “Chrome HTML Document” where nothing loads or is saved. The 4K UHD downloads of other works that have saved and played correctly for me have all been in MPEG-4 VIDEO format, not Chrome HTML Document format. This is my favorite work offered here in AVJiali, so I was really looking forward to enjoying it in the highest quality possible. Please fix the 4K option for this work soon!
Dear member, Unfortunately this video is not available in 4K.
Thank you for the fast response. I see the other works I mentioned featuring 徐筱欣 (Xiao Ye Ye) that also had 4K UHD issues have that option removed as well now. It is disappointing that those works are not available in 4K, but thank you again for quickly responding to it and removing those options since they are unavailable.