Li Zhiyan Is A Lonely Dog Lady Who Needs Some Company

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Li Zhiyan is a young Chinese corporate lady who lives alone with her dog Lala. Because she gets lonely, she always visits the bar of Mr. Fucker, where she eats after work. Mr. Fucker felt sorry ... Read Morehis client, who is all alone in Taipei. So he server her and cooked her a meal that will remind her of home. And he also has something else planned for her that will relieve some of that loneliness and need for someone close. He takes her in the back room, on the couch where he fucked so many of his horny clients. He undresses her skinny body and fills her up with his cock, making her scream the entire time. At the end, he shoots his load all over her flat stomach and tiny tits. It was another night of pleasing clients for Mr. Fucker.
- 29:35
- July 01st, 2022
- 41
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