Taiwanese maid Kelly services her master every day by sucking and fucking him

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Kelly is a maid and loves her job. She is tasked with doing all the household chores for the owner of the apt. She cooks and cleans and tidies up the house all day. She has lots of chores to do eve... Read Moreryday and some of those chores are very intimate. She loves to stick to a routine and she makes sure that her master is happy with the work she does. She also makes sure the master is satisfied sexually and she performs her duties in the morning when he wakes up to get him off. At ten A.M. she is called into his room where he is waiting for her on the bed. She will slip in the door and go right to the bed and pull his cock out of his shorts. She will slip it into her mouth and suck him off. She makes sure that he has a pleasant time and will suck him and lick his dick until he comes. He likes to make sure she swallows his juice so as not to make a mess on the bed. After he unloads his cum in her mouth she will go back to cleaning the house. In the evening her master will have her come in and help him in the shower and bathe him. She likes to kneel down and clean his cock while he massages her tits. After the shower she will enter his room at nice p.m. all dressed up in some new lingerie and come and spend the evening in his bed as he has his way with her fucking her until he comes again in her mouth.
- 29:13
- February 03rd, 2023
- 61
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