Sloppy Seconds For Employee With Li Nana

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Here’s the story of a beta male getting lucky. The guy in this video is a regular employee in an office. And his boss is using his apartment to cheat on his wife. He have to sit in the living... Read More room and listen to his boss fucking hot young girls. After such a night, the boss just left, leaving his young mistress behind. The young girl was struggling to leave the apartment and she left her bra behind. The beta male employee decided to give her a call so that he could return her bra. But he found out that the girl was not in good position on the streets that she couldn’t make it home. So he decided to be the knight in shining armor and save the damsel in distress. He found her on the street, put his jacket on her body, and took her back to his apartment where he put her in his bed. She was in love with the boss, but the boss didn’t care about her. But she realized that this beta-male employee was a good guy who came to her help. So she decided to give him a little reward. She got up and started kissing him and she went down on his cock. That’s when she realized that this beta guy had a bigger dick than his boss. She sucked it with so much pleasure and then she made the guy sit on the bed so that she could get on top of him. She rode her like a slut and let him play with her big round titties. Once the guy got some confidence, he flipped Li Nana around and started drilling her from the back. He even fucked her in missionary style, looking into her eyes until he felt like cumming. And when his cum hit, he removed his condom and covered Li’s chest with fresh jizz.
- 30:58
- March 25th, 2024
- 67
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