Bad Bad promises to have sex with a friend if he keeps quite about her affair

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Today finally, Bad Bad is single and available and an old friend of hers is ready to finally tell her he is in love with her and wants to marry her. This is the day he has been waiting for as he ha... Read Mores been a friend for so many years and always been so helpful and kind to her. He has harbored feelings for her and longed for the day that he would be able to tell her his inner most thoughts and desires about her. Bad Bad has also been in debt and has had no way to pay it back. So, today her friend is going to help her by repaying this debt for her. She has promised to marry him if he could help her with her debt. So today he has the money and will be paying off her debt and proposing to her as well. When he arrives at her apartment it seems that she has already solved the problem of her debt and repaid it. It also seems that she now has a fiancé and will be married to someone else. But this is odd as she was with her old boyfriend recently and was cheating on her fiancé. Since her friend now knows about all this he is threatening to tell her fiancé that she has been cheating on him with an ex-lover. This will destroy their relationship. She begs and pleads with him not to expose her. She even tells him she will make love to him in exchange for his silence. He agrees to be quiet about her affair in exchange for an afternoon of sex with her.
- 26:44
- January 27th, 2023
- 63
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