Alice Goes On Holliday Alone To Find Herself

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Alice is a juicy and busty babe. And you with think that with such gorgeous titties and such a juicy ass, she would find a man who knows how to take care of her. But the boyfriend she has is so bor... Read Moreing and he is driving her insane. She decided to go on vacation without him so that she could find herself and figure out what she wanted for the future. So she goes to an island, where she checks in a hotel and meets a cute guy who takes care of her room. When she asked the guy to help her with an insect in her room, the man confessed that he was afraid of insects. So Alice took matters into her own hands and while trying to catch the insect, she almost fell off the bed. But the strong hands of the hotel boy were there to catch her. And in that moment, they both fell into a lustful urge. They started kissing and the man was quick to lift up her shirt and start playing with her massive natural boobs. Without even talking, the guy had his hand down her panties, and soon enough, Alice discovered that he has a fat dick and started worshipping it with her mouth. She then got on top and finally felt a big cock pleasing her. While she was getting fucked from behind, her phone rang. It was her boyfriend. And she answered. While the guy was asking her stupid and boring questions, Alice was getting properly fucked by a real man. After a while, she could no longer fake that she wasn’t getting fucked and she hung up the phone to enjoy her orgasms. After she got properly railed and swallowed the load of her new friend, she realized that she needed to break up with her boring boyfriend.
- 38:51
- May 20th, 2024
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