Li Er Is A Horny Bunny Slut

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Li Er and her new boyfriend, Gong, were enjoying a nice dinner together when Gong’s ex-girlfriend stumbled across them. They invited her to take a seat at the table and eat with them since Go... Read Moreng and his ex are still friends and they work together. Li Er was trying to be nice to the ex-girlfriend, but all her compliments had a negative take as well. The two girls were hating each other with big fake smiles on their faces. The ex even called her friends so that they could hear the interactions. All of a sudden, Li got angry with the Gong’s ex because she was eating rabbit meat. That’s because Li has a secret bunny fetish. She loves to dress like a bunny when she has sex. And she took her new boyfriend home to show him. She put on sexy white lingerie and big bunny ears to fuck him like his ex never fucked him before. She got on her knees and sucked on his cock like she was a hungry bunny slut who wants a carrot. And she looks so sexy with those bunny ears on. But what makes her irresistible are those big juicy titties of hers. You might even cum too fast when she takes off her bra. And Li’s cock sucking skills are not her only secret weapon when it comes to making men fall in love with her. She also rides the cock like a pro. And while she was getting fucked, she kept referring to Gong’s dick as her carrot. After all that wild bunny fucking, she got covered in fresh cum.
- 37:28
- February 19th, 2024
- 70
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