Yuxi Cheats Her Fiancé With Her Dead-Beat Ex

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Yuxi is a young wife with a wild past. But she settled down for a nice guy who bought her a house and took good care of her. However, the care is just financial. She doesn’t get sexual satisf... Read Moreaction. And all she can think about is her ex, who could always make her orgasm. So one day, she invites him to the home she shares with her fiance so that she can confess her dirty thoughts. She wants to be properly fucked, even if it means cheating on her soon-to-be husband. And the ex-boyfriend is up to the task. They fuck right in the bed where Yuxi fucks her husband. This chubby bad dude gives it to her hard and rails her like a slut. She gets tossed around and in the end, the dude cums right in her pussy with no protection.
- 24:47
- July 04th, 2022
- 33
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