Cute Taiwan babe Yuli teaches her friend how to fuck

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When you are just learning how to fuck the best thing you can do is talk to someone who really knows how to fuck. So, it’s all new to you and you have no idea how to seduce or tease or make h... Read Moreer horny so you go to your best friend who has had lots of cock and you ask her for lessons. If she is kind, and she should be as she is your friend she will close the door to her bedroom and show you how to start off the fucking. She will kiss you and get you hard and then lead you until you figure out what to do. Here we have Yuli and her friend who has no experience with sticking his cock in anything but his own hand. So she is going to take the time and let him figure out where to stick his tongue and his dick. She knows how to do all the things he wants to do so she will take time out from reading to let him try his hand at fucking. Since she is not shy she will take her top off first so he can get a handful of her sweet tits and let him lick her nipples. From there she will feel his hard cock and lean over and suck him some. This is how she teaches him to fuck. She gets his hard cock in her mouth and jerks it for him. It is amazing that he did not come right away when she slipped her mouth over his cock. Then it is time for the fucking and she is going to let him lick and play with her pussy before he sticks his cock in. What a great friend to teach him all he needs to know about fucking.
- 37:01
- November 14th, 2022
- 35
One comment for “Cute Taiwan babe Yuli teaches her friend how to fuck”
Need to see more kissing while fucking!