Yuli and her new friend go back to his place and she sucks his dick

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Yuli has been watching a senior for some time now and thinking that he is very cute. She really wants to get to know him but because of the pandemic and summer vacation she has not seen him for som... Read Moree time. She loves to go out and do some shopping and playing and today she gets a surprise when she gets a text back that he is around now and she invites him to come and see her. They meet and decide to go to his place which is nearby. They get in and have some snacks and chat some. She goes to the bathroom and he realizes that she has a bag full of anime. He is surprised that she reads such sexy comics. His mind starts to wander and he is now thinking she is very cute. He gets her some ice-cream and she snacks on it and he watches her get messy and he can not help himself and reaches out to grab her and kiss her. She is loving it. He gets behind her and grabs her from behind and pulls up her top and grabs her breasts. He kisses her neck as he unsnaps her bra and reaches his hands under her bra to grab her breasts. He was hard as a rock now and she could feel his cock poking her in the back. Now she wants to play and she turns around and has him sit back so she could get to his shorts. She unzips his shorts and pulls off his underwear and grabs his cock. Go see what these get up to now that they are half naked!
- 31:37
- June 09th, 2023
- 59
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