Young Taiwan Miss feels a ghost in her room that fucks her from behind

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A breakup can be tough and more so if the love affair lasted many years. The best thing one can do is get away from their surroundings and go somewhere new to try for a new life with new memories t... Read Moreo be made. This is the story of a young lady who had a breakup with a long term lover. She travelled from her home afterwards to the Capital city of Taipei Taiwan to escape the small town she lived in with him. But on this journey something strange happened to her. She rented a place to stay while she was in the city. And although she was alone she felt that someone was with her as she exited her shower. She could feel someone behind her but no one was there. She thought she could feel a man’s hands all over her body and her breasts. She could feel her nipples being touched and pinched. She ran to the bedroom to escape this strange feeling. But when she got in bed she could feel her pussy being massaged. Her pussy was dripping wet with excitement as she felt as if she were getting her pussy tongued. She closed her eyes and went with this feeling and then she imagined that she was sitting up and a man was shoving his cock into her mouth. She could actually feel a hard cock being thrust into her mouth. This feeling continued as she felt she was being turned around and bent over as this man entered her pussy from behind doggy style. Fuck!! Go see what else happened to her in this strange dreamlike state.
- 28:44
- April 24th, 2023
- 55
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