Xiao Ye Ye seduces and fucks her older sibling’s boyfriend

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Xiao Ye Ye decides her sibling’s boyfriend is too cute and decides it is time to seduce him. She is a gamer but apparently not so good so she asks her sibling’s boyfriend for some help.... Read More Of course she is so sneaky that she is most likely doing it just to get close to him. She thinks he is very cute and of course would love to have him, but he is her sibling’s boyfriend. So, here she is being all coy and cute and trying to seduce him at dinner one evening. She gets close enough to give him a little kiss. He is surprised at this but not as surprised as when she sticks her foot between his legs to massage his cock under the dinner table! As it happens, her sibling has to leave dinner early and run off to work. This means she will be alone with him for a bit and has some time to seduce him. He seems pretty OK with this as they head off to her room but she decides she wants his cock in her mouth so stops at the stairs and pulls his pants down to suck him off first. From there they head to the bedroom for some good fucking.
- 15:48
- May 09th, 2022
- 25
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