Wu Fangyi decides to see a medium to help turn her life around

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Wu Fangyi has not been having great luck lately. A dog bit her and her boyfriend has been cheating on her. She has really not been happy with the direction her life has been going. She decides to g... Read Moreo see a medium to consult him and see what she can change to turn things around. He does a little palm reading at first and chats with her about her life. He then decides she needs to relax some so he asks her to come and sit down so he can get behind her. He positions her so that her legs are spread and her panties are visible. He begins to rub all over her body to help the passion flow through her. His massage spreads to her breasts as he wants to be sure that her passion is spread everywhere over her body. He reaches down between her legs to rub her pussy through her panties. Miss Wu really does feel the passion now as her clit is being massaged. From there the master just fingers her and then fucks her so that her good luck will return.
- 37:43
- September 26th, 2022
- 43
One comment for “Wu Fangyi decides to see a medium to help turn her life around”
Wu Fangyi is beautiful! Chinese girls rock!