The landlord watches Lina masturbate and squirt while hidden in her apt

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Lina is sometimes late in her monthly rent payment. She gets busy and forgets to pay it. She is a girl who is always on the run and she forgets little things like the rent is due and she has to go ... Read Morepay it. She likes to live her life to the fullest and goes out to exercise every day. Today was a bit different though when she returned home. Usually she goes out and gets sweaty and worked up and then comes home to relax. That sometimes means she turns on some porn and watches it. She will grab her sex toy, and rub it all over her clit! That is nice as the porn stimulates her and the vibrator will make her cum. She loves to just get off and use that vibrator until her meaty pussy can not take it any more and she just releases. Today though what was different was the landlord came to collect the rent and when he knocked and no one answered but the door was unlocked, he went in. When Lina came home he hid as he was embarrassed he was in her house. Like usual, she got out her sex toy to fuck herself and he was hidden away getting an eyeful of the whole show. It was too late to let her know he was there so he just watched. Today Lina seemed very horny and not only did she cum, but she squirted all over! She really let go and her pussy juice squirted all over the face of her hidden away landlord. Go see!
- 26:41
- June 26th, 2023
- 66
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