The bad boy and the class leader end up in bed together.

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It seems that everyone likes bad boys even if they are the leaders in the class. It is not so easy for the bad boy to overcome a bad reputation but if he can chat with you some, he might make you f... Read Moreeel that he is not really the bad boy and maybe he is just misunderstood. This bad boy in class has made everyone angry at some point and they want nothing to do with him. But the class leader Mio despite hating him and criticizing him for being bad, secretly likes bad boys like him. They happen to meet one evening and end up chatting. The chat becomes more intimate and they get along very well together as they talk about what they have shared in class and how much he has angered her. But now she confesses that all that time that she was angry at him she secretly had a crush on him. And now that they are out of class and alone they can act how they like and enjoy each other. He takes her back to his place where he gets her into bed and starts kissing her lips and grabbing her breasts. Mio has the nicest boobs and he rubs his hands all over them. This evening is turning out so much better than they had expected as they are now in bed together enjoying each other’s bodies.
- 43:46
- January 09th, 2023
- 73
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