Stacy goes on a first date with a model and they get a hotel room to fuck

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We have a new series called, One Day Girlfriend. We have two models go out and enjoy the day together and we try to have a boyfriend girlfriend experience. We want them to both enjoy the day as if ... Read Morethey were new lovers getting to know each other. They attend a flower show in Taipei and then go to get something to eat. All the while they chat about their lives and their likes and dislikes. They chat about what they enjoy doing and also about their pets. This feels like a first date and a getting to know you kind of date. They really do create a date that feels natural and real as they both get to know each other. We get them a nice hotel room in the most famous hotel in Taipei and let them explore each other like they are new to each other’s body. They have some vvine outside on the balcony and enjoy the view of the city. It is a very romantic place and they feel very romantic. Stacy starts to kiss her new friend and this warms her up and she is now feeling a bit horny from the view and the day and the tongue in her mouth. They decide to go into the room and enjoy some more romance. He lays her on the bed and opens her robe so he can see her naked breasts. He grabs her breasts with both his hands and takes her nipples into his mouth to suck on. He flicks his fingers over her nipples as they get hard for him. He reaches down between her legs and touches her pussy. He begins to rub her clit and then… Go see what they do next in the full video!
- 35:01
- June 02nd, 2023
- 59
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