Sexy Taiwan babe YoYo has an old friend from Uni visit her and fuck her

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Sometimes a young man that is not the most handsome of men is jealous of his friends that do have a nice life with their lovely girlfriends. Today one young man ha stumbled on a way to change himse... Read Morelf into the person that he envies. All he has to do is take a special pill, and then kiss that person and he will become him for a short time. He visits a friend and his girl Yoyo who have just moved into a new house. Yoyo is so sexy, and hot. He knows her from Uni and has always wanted her. He has been away for a long time so now he is back and his feelings for her are rekindled. He decides that now is the time to take that pill and become his old friend. He takes it and then when his friend is out, he kisses him. A small price to pay to become him for a short time. He is instantly transformed into his friend. Now it is time to take his girl to bed. As his friend she will assume it is just her lover taking her to bed for the night. He takes her into the bathroom and takes off her clothes. He sucks on her tits and then pulls down her panties. He spreads her legs wide and licks her pussy. It is so delicious. He then takes her into the bedroom and fucks her like it is his first time, because it is. He spends all night fucking her in all the positions he has dreamed about.
- 32:03
- May 22nd, 2023
- 66
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