Miss Stacy and her model friends try to win a big bonus on their modeling shoot

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The director of the shoot has come from Japan. He is very famous and knows how to get the most out of the models he works with. He has put forth a cash incentive today to get the models to perform ... Read Morebetter. He believes this is the key to getting them to look nicer and act sexier. He has offered one million Taiwan Dollars to the girl who can be the sexiest today in the shoot. Stacy is trying her best to make that money! All three girls are so excited at the chance of winning the money that they all work very hard to do their best to show off how sexy they are on camera. The shoot involves a lot of actions like pumping and jerking etc. All these actions are sexually suggestive and the director is watching to see which of the three do it the best. They are so anxious to earn that money that they all simulate cock sucking and handjobs. It seems that Stacy was the most erotic of the three as she ate her mooncake and slid her strawberry into her mouth. The director took a liking to her and thought she would make a good sexual companion. After the shoot was over the director talked to the manager and arranged to have her as his own little fuck bunny!
- 36:26
- April 28th, 2023
- 84
One comment for “Miss Stacy and her model friends try to win a big bonus on their modeling shoot”
More Stacy please