Lin Siyu and friend go for a ride to a hotel where they fuck all afternoon

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Lin Siyu goes for a ride with a friend today. She looks sexy in her motorcycle gear. She likes to go for rides in the mountains. It is cooler up there than in the city. Going out with an old friend... Read More is nice and they can catch up and enjoy a meal and view the scenery. They do some shopping at some small shops there on the mountain and enjoy the afternoon. They are there to see the waterfall and take lots of photos of the lovely view. It starts to rain when they are up in the mountains and they both get a bit wet. So her friend decides to take her to a small hotel nearby where they can shower and get dry and freshen up some. Lin takes a shower first and her friend decides to help her by washing her back. Then they decide to enjoy the in room large spa. They get in the large tub and relax some. Her friend gets up close to her and enjoys seeing her naked body although she is a bit shy and covers up. He kisses her mouth and she sticks out her tongue to lick him. He pulls her hands off her breasts and grabs her tits as he pulls her and to his cock to pull. She uses both her hands to grab it. She then goes back into the room and gets her now dry clothes to put back on. Her friend wants to see her dressed again as he thinks she looks sexy in her clothes. He then decides that he would love to have her mouth on his dick. She takes it in her hands and begins to jerk him off and lick the tip of his dick. She then… Go see what she does next!
- 36:13
- May 31st, 2023
- 60
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