Jojo visits and fucks a friend who has covid in hopes of catching it too

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Jojo decides that she needs to get sick, so she can skip some school and get some insurance money as her insurer has agreed to pay out to any client that contracts the virus. She happens to have a ... Read Morefriend who is sick and she thinks that the best thing to do is go pay him a visit. Visiting him she tells him of her plan but he is a bit reluctant and it is not such a good idea. But, she persuades him to let her in and contact her so that she can catch what he has. She comes in and drinks from his glass and then then waits to see if she got infected. Nope, nothing. Well then she decides to take some of his clothes and wear them and see if that will get her infected. Again, she has no luck. She is getting desperate and not sure what to do. She decides if she can kiss him, that for sure would get her sick and she could get that insurance money. She does that and he decides that he is not going to waste any more time with her methods. He stands up and pulls out his dick and then shows it to her inches away from her face. He tells her to suck on his dick and she will for sure catch the virus. She sucks him hard and pulls his cock deep into her mouth. Since he seemed to enjoy that so much he decides that he is going to see if he enjoys sliding it into her pussy too. He pushes her back onto the bed and pulls her panties off to slide a finger into her pussy. She likes this and wants more than that so he pushes his cock deep into her pussy to fuck her. They spend the rest of the day in bed in as many positions as he can think of to fuck her.
- 23:22
- March 06th, 2023
- 44
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