Naughty Huang Ying ends up fucking her co-worker during quarantine

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Well the pandemic is tough on everybody and companies that have their workers returning to Taiwan have to have them in quarantine for fourteen days upon returning to Taiwan. The company tries to sa... Read Moreve money by having several workers stay in separate rooms of the same hotel suite. But this is presenting a problem for them as the workers end up being so isolated that they watch porn all day and get horny all the time. This means that if the co-workers happen to be of different genders, they end up in the same room at some point of the fourteen day quarantine, fucking each other’s brains out. Huang Ying and coworker are in a fourteen day quarantine period and as they are both young and single they end up fucking just a few days into quarantine. Of course to get to that point we get to see how they both are bored every day doing nothing but watching porn on their computers. Huang Ying gets really horny just listening to her co-worker jack off in his room every day. She happens to walk in on him one night very late and he has his porn on and his cock out. He is surprised to see her in his room but she insists that it is better to watch porn together and sits down to watch as he jerks off. What a lovely start to a fun couple of days fucking.
- 19:47
- May 13th, 2022
- 26
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