Cici Is A Veterinarian Tricked Into Doing Porn

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So many guys dream of striking up a conversation with a hot lady on the streets and somehow convincing her to have sex with them on the spot. Well, that’s exactly what this movie is about. Th... Read Moreis movie is about Cici, a young veterinarian who was tricked into becoming a porn star by a random guy on the street. The story started simply. While waiting for a bus, she was approached by a man with a camera who asked her about her commute habits. Under the pretext that interviews run smoothly indoors, she was invited to a nearby apartment where she was supposed to talk more about her lifestyle. But the conversation was easily turned into a sexy one. She was asked to present her outfit, she was complemented and made to feel sexy. And then a man offered her a massage. The strong hands of the man slowly run off her back onto her breasts. She was shy at first but allowed it to happen. After all, some women dream of such a fantasy. The man was playing with her big natural tits and she was feeling amazing. Even though she tried to fight it, she couldn’t stop the pleasure. Soon enough, she was getting her titties licked. And she was moaning like a whore. Then she got her pussy pleased with some toys. That’s when she was all in to be a porn star. She even sucked dick like a whore. And you can see that she couldn’t wait to feel that cock inside her pussy. She was basically begging for it. When the dick finally penetrated her wet and tight pussy, she went crazy. We believe that she never got fucked like this before. She had a couple of orgasms and even squirted hard. In the end, her mouth was filled with cum.
- 56:05
- December 29th, 2024
- 68
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