Ranako’s Wild Adventure With A Married Man

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Ranako is a great catch for any man. And the man who just broke up with her is a total fool. Who would give up on such a sexy and horny petite brunette? She’s brokenhearted and drowns her sor... Read Morerow in a bar at night. That’s where she met a married man. A man who was caught in a passionless and sexless marriage. His wife doesn’t care about him at all. She just leaves cooked food for him to eat alone when he comes back home after he comes back to work. She just sleeps and avoids him. That’s why he went to the same bar where Ranako was drinking. And they started drinking together. They had instant chemistry. Ranako opened up about her sorrows and the married guy knew exactly what to say to her. The one thing he didn’t tell her was the fact that he was married. They enjoyed many glasses and then they inevitably fucked. The sex between the two was amazing. Ranako is such a sexy skinny girl with a perfect pussy and delicious titties. And the married guy knows how to finger her twat, lick her entire body and drill her pink hole well with his hard and long dick. They have great sexual compatibility. It’s like they were made for each other. That’s why the married guy let out an “I love you” after he came on her chest. However, Ranako had other plans. She was planning to leave the country and study abroad. The ending of this story is quite sad. Ranako found the man’s wedding ring in his bathroom. She made a dramatic exit out of this relationship, leaving him a note and disappearing out of his life while he was sleeping.
- 37:32
- August 02nd, 2024
- 80
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