Young Couple Enjoys Kink Games In Public

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Wen Ruixin is a young girlfriend. She is the perfect girlfriend material. She is absolutely cute, sexy and submissive. Most men would treat her like a princess. But her current boyfriend has some o... Read Morether plans for her. He wants to take advantage of her submissiveness and turn her into a massive slut. When on a date, they met on a bench in the park, he gave her a special present. And then he sent her to change with what he got her in the public bathroom nearby. The gift was a nice choker with nipple clamps for her titties, and a vibrating toy for her panties with a remote control. The boyfriend was planning some kink games while on the date. Her first challenge was to go talk to a stranger. That’s when the boyfriend hit the button and sent vibrations to her pussy that made her fall on her knees. Then they wanted to move the fun to a bar, but they messed around in the back of the cab while on the way. And when they got in the bar, he straight on fingered her while everyone was watching. Some men even filmed them. Because they could no longer resist, they got a hotel room. A nice hotel room. And that’s where they consumed all the lust between them. Wen sucked her boyfriend’s cock and then she spread her legs for him. She got fucked pretty well, moaning and screaming all the time. She even got on top. For such a cute innocent-looking girl, she knows how to ride like a big time whore. She got fucked in so many positions and came in all of them. And then, her tiny body got covered in fresh cum.
- 32:06
- December 03rd, 2024
- 74
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