Mafia Lady Mio And The Man Who Fucked Her

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Lio is a powerful woman. She is one of the heads of a mafia family that runs the city. But even she has some weaknesses. And one of her biggest weaknesses is Gao Quiqiang, a young man whose brother... Read More works for Mio. When she met him it was love at first sight. Even though she has a cold heart, the young man in his oversized dress suit made her fall in love. So much so that she let him join her gang. However, this young man was also her demise. He betrayed her and sold information to a rival. And that’s grounds for revenge. However, when it was time to teach him a lesson, Mio realized that she was still so in love with Gao. And in this video, you will understand why. This video gives you all the details of their love story, but also what they used to do behind closed doors. Have you ever seen a mafia boss lady getting fucked? You’re about to enjoy that. Mio starts very dominant. She is the one initiating the action. And even when she sucks dick, she’s the one in control. She starts by getting on top and taking what she needs. But the closer she gets to her orgasm, the more submissive she becomes. And then she lets Gao take charge and fuck her. Even when she is fucked from behind like a slut, she still has that mafia boss attitude.
- 32:14
- April 26th, 2024
- 86
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