Ranako Fucks Her Best Friend’s Boyfriend

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Ranako and her best friend, Lily are always hanging out. And her best friend’s boyfriend, Shin is always around. He’s a good guy, but he isn’t as focused on a career as RanakoR... Read More17;s friend. And so, their relationship starts squeaking, because Lily gets colder and colder with him. But the more time they spend together, the more Ranako sees in her best friend’s boyfriend. She’s even sad to see such a good boy being treated so poorly. One night, when it was raining, Lily asked Ranako to wake up Shin and send him home, because she had no time for him. That’s when Ranako made the move. After he walked her home and she invited him in, Ranako pretended to trip and fell right in his arms. They immediately kissed. But they didn’t fuck them. Ranako might be horny for her friend’s lover, but she’s not a bitch. She didn’t want anything to happen while her friend was going through her big corporate tests. And so, they postponed the first cheating sex experience. But as the days were passionate, they started teasing each other more and more behind Lily’s back. And after a while, they just fucked while Lily was at work. And from the way they fuck, you can see that they are into each other. Ranako is very playful and dirty, while Shin has a very big dick that’s stretching Ranako in the right way. You’ll be rooting for these two to become a couple. And this is just the first part of their adventure.
- 51:09
- April 19th, 2024
- 66
One comment for “Ranako Fucks Her Best Friend’s Boyfriend”
Awesome woman, she smolders!