Highschool Reunion Sex With Li Zhiyan

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This is a story that has been over more than a decade. Li Zhiyan was the cutest girl in her high school class. Every boy wanted her. But there was one boy who was crazy about her and he was daydrea... Read Moreming about having sex with her in the middle of the classroom. He tried everything to impress her. Even took her out on nice dates. But at the end of the date, she didn’t even want to kiss him. Years have passed and now the old classroom gets back together for a ten-year reunion. Li Zhiyan and the classmate who had a crush on her get to see each other again. And this boy had a nice glow-up. He’s a man now, with tattoos and big muscles. And Li’s pussy gets wet for him in the bar. She can’t get her eyes off him. So they stay late at the bar, just to be alone. They start kissing and then they move things into a private room, where they can finally consume the lust that’s been between them all those years ago. The boy is now a man and he knows how to please a lady. He starts by fingering her pussy and then moves on to eating her up. Li returns the favor and starts sucking his dick until it gets hard in her mouth. And then they finally fuck. This boy released all the sex dreams he had about Li onto her pussy, fucking her harder than anyone ever did. And after he made her cum so many times, he took off his condom to cover her slender sexy body with his jizz.
- 39:06
- April 05th, 2024
- 71
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