Bad Bad Gets Impregnated By A Ghost

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Bad Bad and her boyfriend traveled from the city into the countryside where they met up with some of the boyfriend’s cousins. They were gathered around the fire at night and started talking a... Read Morebout horror movies. And then they remembered there was an abandoned building in the area that was supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a young man who died alone. The boyfriend wanted to prove his manliness and courage, so they went exploring the abandoned building. But at the first sight of danger, the boyfriend and his cousins ran away, abandoning Bad Bad in the haunted place. And she found out that the stories were true. There truly was the ghost of a young man in the building. And he was horny. He assured Bad Bad that he wouldn’t hurt her, and she started feeling up her body. Bad Bad was enchanted and took off her blouse to let the ghost boy play with her titties. They began kissing and soon after, Bad Bad was naked with her legs spread and the ghost boy licking her pussy. She didn’t even have to suck his dick. The ghost was already hard and he wanted action. He fucked Bad Bad’s pussy in wild ways and in all positions. The girl came so many times, and then the ghost boy came in her pussy. After she got fucked so well, Bad Bad fell tired in the abandoned building. Only in the morning did her boyfriend and his cousins come back to look for her. She was safe, but she already felt pregnant. And when she met the boyfriend she announced to him that he’ll get to fuck her pussy without a condom that night.
- 27:20
- March 29th, 2024
- 66
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