Sunny Fucks Her Noisy Roommate

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Sunny is a single girl and she is so lonely and horny that she dreams of having a boyfriend and getting flowers from him. But she wakes up before the sex, with her pussy wet and begging for orgasms... Read More. So she has to masturbate all the time. But this time she can’t even focus because her annoying roommate plays his guitar trying to write some bad song. She asks him to keep it down, but the guy won’t listen. So the next time he is annoying Sunny just burst into his room. And she finds him completely naked, playing his guitar. He claims that it helps him with inspiration. And she offers him a wanking hand in the hope that the inspiration will kick in faster and he would shut up. However, feeling a hard cock in her hand makes Sunny go crazy. One thing leads to another and she finds herself with her roommate’s cock in her mouth. After he sucks his dick, the annoying roommate proves himself useful when he puts her on her back and gets on top of him. Even though he is annoying, it seems like he knows how to use his cock. He fucks Sunny in so many positions, giving her what she needs and making her cum a couple of times. But the pull-out skills of the roommate are not that good. He can’t stop himself from cumming straight in her pussy. And then he tries scooping his jizz out with his fingers. He’s annoying again!
- 26:26
- March 08th, 2024
- 70
One comment for “Sunny Fucks Her Noisy Roommate”
This is the only work on AVJiali that I have seen so far that is recorded in 60 frames per second, and I really appreciate it! Please consider recording even more future works in 60 frames per second.