Adventure Girl Li Zhiyan Fucked Hard

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Li Zhiyan and her girl friend are exploring the land of the savage men when they come across a group of savages entertaining themselves with some adult manga they found in the wilderness. And they ... Read Morehad to scare them away so that they could relax by their fire. However, Li sprained her ankle and couldn’t continue the adventure. So they set up camp by the fire and started taking a bottle shower. But while the girls were washing each other’s sweaty bodies, two of the savages stole their dirty clothes and took them back to their group, where the men smelt them and got horny for the girls. That’s why they organized at night and attacked the two girls. Li’s friend could escape, as she ran away. But because Li had a sprained ankle, she couldn’t escape. So she got captured by the chief savage of the tribe, who started taking advantage of her body. Even though Li was scared at first, she realized that the savage man was also a sex savage. So she gave into her primal instincts and went down on the wild man’s dick, sucking it with so much passion. After the blowjob, she bent over and let the wild man go crazy on her pussy. She got fucked so hard in the middle of the forest and she screamed from the top of her lungs. After the wild man got what he wanted, he put his cock in her mouth and came. Li was thinking that the man was done. But she quickly returned and put his cock in her pussy to fuck her some more.
- 26:41
- March 18th, 2024
- 76
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