Li Er Is The Sleeping Beauty Who Needs Some Cock

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While gathering wood for fire, a lucky guy found Li Er half naked on a table. She is The Sleeping Beauty and she was frozen half to death. The lucky guy couldn’t help but touch her. Li is way... Read More too hot not to be touched. He caressed her big juicy tits and kissed her. That’s when she woke up and told him she was so cold and she needed to be warmed. But she has one specific way in which she wants that. She wants to feel warmth from the inside. The guy got her up, spread her legs, and started eating her pussy. Li was feeling a lot better, especially since the guy was also playing with her nipples while licking her cunt. He ate her pussy so well that Li was ready to suck some dick. She got on her knees and began sucking. She looks so pretty with her angelic face and a cock in her mouth. And then she turned around to feel warmth from the inside finally. The wood picker put his dick inside her tight pussy and started pumping. The pumping got harder and faster. That’s all Li needed to feel better. The intensity almost made her faint. She needed to get on top, and riding the cock made her titties bounce nicely. They switched positions several more times, getting rougher and wilder by the moment. Li came on the guy’s cock when he was fucking her in missionary. Soon after, he was also ready to cum, and he splashed his massive load all over her belly. It’s so nice to see her smooth skin and big titties covered in a fresh load of cum.
- 27:13
- October 27th, 2023
- 75
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