Cuckold Challenge For 100,000 Yuan Prize With Slutty Girlfriend Bad Bad

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We’ve launched a new sex game. It’s a challenge for men who want to win a prize of 100,000 Yuan. The rules are simple. You need a girlfriend and nerves of steel. The girlfriend must be ... Read Moreoffered to our boss, who will fuck her until his dick gets soft. If you can resist watching her getting fucked without getting angry, you will the big cash prize. With these rules in mind and with our boss waiting for us at the studio, all horny and ready for action, we walked the streets looking for a couple to play. Men were interested in the prize, but their ladies didn’t agree to get fucked. That until we found the perfect couple for our game. The girlfriend of this couple is Bad Bad, and she is the one who pushed her boyfriend into the challenge. We took them to our studio for an interview, and that’s how we found out that the guy is a natural cuck. He only fucks his hot girlfriend once every three months. And when they fuck, she never gets horny. She doesn’t even suck his dick, even though he begs for it all the time. With that in mind, you can imagine that our boss with his muscular body and his hard dick is going to ravish Bad Bad. They fucked right in front of the cuck boyfriend, and he took it well for a while. He even hold his girlfriend’s hand while she was getting drilled and stretched. But unfortunately they lost the challenge because the guy got angry when he saw that his girlfriend swallowed the cum of our boss and then sucked his dick some more because it was still hard. Even though they lost the challenge and the boyfriend stormed out of the studio, Bad Bad stayed to suck our boss until he got soft.
- 34:31
- September 01st, 2023
- 82
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