A sexy wife has her eyes on her husbands bro

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A husband that is always busy doing business and gone every day and most nights is not fun for this sexy wife. They happen to be visiting his bro who is single and has not had a girlfriend in ages.... Read More The two bros chat into the night and this sexy wife really likes her husband’s bro. He is nice and kind and from their time together he really pays attention to what she has to say. Since it is very late they decide to just stay the night there. This is an opportunity for the wife to finally get him alone when her husband is not aware. They begin to touch and she knows she should not cheat on her husband but she really likes hid bro and seeing him up close touching her tits gets her horny. She decides that this is the chance she has wanted as he pulls out his cock and asks her to suck him off. What a delight to have his cock in her mouth and she sucks him hard until he leads her into the other room where they can enjoy his bed. They take their time and make love there in secret and try out many positions of fucking. They both enjoy the time they steal away and both end the night with a climax.
- 16:50
- September 19th, 2022
- 41
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