A sexy blonde Taiwan girl is the dealer who gets fucked at work

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What is more fun than playing some card games and the dealer is a sexy hot blonde Asian girl from Taiwan. These gentleman are in for a good night and are all happy to be there playing cards. The ga... Read Moremes are going well for some but one fellow seems to lose his chips under the table and take the chance to look up this hot blondes skirt. He enjoys seeing her panties and her stockings and garter. He is in love with that look and fuck if it does not turn him on. The dealer happens to catch him looking at her and decides to play a game of her own so she reaches under the table with her foot and plants it on his cock. This is a turn on but now he wants more so he gets behind her behind the curtain and reaches out to grab her sweet ass. And from there these two engage in sexual acts while she deals cards to the other three guys. This is very bold but she wants his cock in her mouth and he wants to play with her hot pussy while she wears her sexy dealer uniform.
- 28:58
- December 02nd, 2022
- 37
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