A ghost story from Taiwan and this ghost has great big tits

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It seems that this is an old Taiwan ghost story as a young man gets a special something ready for his guest to get her in the mood and he accidentely takes it himself. He gets floored and wakes up ... Read Moreto the ghost girl in his room looking at him wondering what is wrong with him. He remembers that ghosts have a problem with Wisteria flowers so he prepares some for her to take. This now causes her to go bye bye and she opens her eyes later to find him now back in control. She looks so delicious there in bed that he leans in and grabs her tits and sucks those big nipples. They are lovely and large and his tongue is all over them. This is going to be a fun afternoon where he gets to control the witch and have her suck his dick. He slides his dick in her hungry mouth and fucks her face. After a nice blowjob it is time to take a look in her panties. He sees all her pubic hair is shaved off. Her sweet pussy is shaved and there is no pubic hair so we can finger her pussy easily. After a some finger fucking he takes his dick and puts it inside her to fuck her. Her boobs are out and they look lovely as they bounce around as he fucks her pussy. What a sweet lover she is. They have sex in several positions before he finally ejaculates all over her tummy.
- 24:08
- December 26th, 2022
- 61
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